Simone Rugiati at Stosa Cucine Bologna

Simone Rugiati at Stosa Cucine Bologna

What do you get when you create a cooking show event with Simone Rugiati, a famous Italian chef, at the beautiful Stosa Cucine store? Give up? I’ll tell you. One heck of an entertaining afternoon.



During mine and other food bloggers exclusive interview with Simone before the cooking show, I naturally asked him what Continue Reading!

Baked Rockfish with Tomato and Basil Sauce 

Baked Rockfish with Tomato and Basil Sauce 

I think that good food should be simple :: semplice. You don’t need to complicate your life to eat well. Just follow this one basic rule: buy fresh wholesome ingredients based on the season.

Rockfish-with-Tomato-and-Basil-Sauce-2Here in Italy, I’m picking the last tomatoes off the vine and clearing out the basil pots to make homemade pesto to freeze. This is my farewell recipe to summer before making way for Continue Reading

Mini Nectarine Galettes

Mini Nectarine Galettes

Mini-Nectarine-GalettesIn a perfect world, I would have posted this recipe last month when I created it and apricots :: albicocche were in season. In reality, I’m posting it now because I finally have the time to sit down to write an article! ’Tis life. But, no harm done. This recipe is fantastic made with Continue Reading