I offer various styles of cooking shows that can be personalized to best fit your brand, event, audience or location. I typically hold these cooking classes at culinary stores, private homes, restaurants and wineries. Cooking classes are great for brands to promote their products and increase brand awareness in an intimate setting. They are perfect for corporate team building events and store wedding registry parties. My cooking demos, on the other hand, are mainly held in culinary stores and trade shows. Stores carry numerous products; so for a brand it’s quite challenging to stand out in the consumer’s eyes. These demos are a practical format to train salespeople and to get them excited about promoting your brand. Customers also find value in seeing how your products are used in real life situations. I can also provide professional photography and videos of the events to be used on your social media pages and website. This content can also be cross promoted on Italicana Kitchen and throughout my social media networks. See our service list below and contact me for more information.

To see some of the brands I’ve collaborated with and examples of my work, you can look on my Press Page.




> 2 hr class

> 15-20 partecipants

> groceries

> printed recipes

> clean up


> 2 hr show

> up to 100 samples

> groceries

> setup

> clean up


> introduction to a new store/dealer

>additional 2nd show the same day?location

>planning and fine tuning with the store

> ptomotion on Italicana Kitchen’s social media channels

> 10 professional photos of the show


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Spero di sentirti presto o di incontrarti di persona per un caffè :-)

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